Entity-Relationship Model
Data Model
Relational Data Model
- Angled arrow
E ----> R
- Round arrow
E ----) R
- Exactly one (on the right)
- Straight line
Self Relationships
'Owned by' another entity
Can be uniquely identified in conjunction with owning entities
Essentially a nested element
Eg Assignments belong to courses, courses belong to departments
Don't use weak entities if you can use simpler constructs
Not to be confused with Instruction Set Architecture
ISA relationship in databases
- Allows for hierarchical relationships
- Constraints not represented on the diagram must be documented separately
- Overlap constraints
- Entity belonging to multiple subclasses
- Eg an entity being both Faculty and Student (a TA)
- Covering constraints
- Must every superclass entity also belong to a subclass?
- Eg must every Person entity also be a Student, Faculty, and/or Staff?